Sri Ramen Basu
Searching on the causes of diseases, I came across certain facts related to the roots of diseases in the scriptures of ancient times. The word 'disease' is in general pronounced dis-ease (and not disease/sickness/illness) by most non-allopathic medical practitioners, as they consider not only the symptoms, but also the root cause for the dis-ease.
The Tripura Rahasya states: ‘Diseases are due to a loss of harmony in the three tempers of the body: Vayu (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kaph (phlegm). Dis-eases remain latent in all bodies because of disharmony in the tempers. This disharmony can’t always be prevented, although by being aware of how one’s body functions, one could adjust one’s behavior and food intake accordingly. In modern terminology this is called ‘lifestyle modifications’. Tempers are affected by food consumed, clothes worn, negative thoughts, words uttered or heard, sights seen, objects contacted, changes of season and travel to different countries and their various climates. Sometimes unavoidable, the dis-harmony of tempers need not claim one’s constant attention. The Ancient Rishis of India developed several healing remedies like Ayurved as well as physical praactices like Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure etc. to relieve the discomfort associated with disharmony of the tempers. After the industrial revolution in the West, such remedies were rather neglected. They're however again coming into vogue to help with non-surgical cases.
Delusion and/or hallucination have origins in the neurochemistry of the brain, which may be of varied character. Any food, gross, subtle or subtler, can restore harmony and thus health when well digested. Otherwise the same food may result in discomfort. All of the above three tempers/humors are divided into five sub- divisions. The tempers/humors take care of the autogenerated functions of the body if absorbed in proper quantity and quality, in proper time and in a proper way. In case one temper gives trouble, the other two can makes up for it and make well the third. If there are malfunctions of two of the humors causing severe dis-eases, it is quite difficult to restore their harmonious function. If all three tempers are out of harmony, one's survival rate is questionable.
One ought to co-relate ‘dis-eases’ with disharmony. A body is an organism, which is functionally synchronized to behave normally and at ease. When the gross, subtle, causal or subtlemost effect eventually manifest, the constituents of the body malfunction and we call it a disease. However it is quite often in fact, a dis-ease of the humors. Harmony is the key word in life to prevent illnesses, mood disturbances and thus behavior. Sadguru Sri Sri Babathakur has graciously given his followers and devotees an easy-to-remember formula - the formula of ‘4-fold H’. The first H is hand, the second H is head, the third H is heart, and the fourth (all the other three synchronized) is Harmony.
Sri Sri Babathakur says, ‘The Knowledge of Oneness’ reveals when the right understanding is present. By ‘right understanding’ - and use is meant use with spontaneous awareness of Oneness. Right Knowledge or understanding reveals spontaneously only when the right use of six aspects of life have been achieved. The aspects are:
Sri Ramen Basu
Searching on the causes of diseases, I came across certain facts related to the roots of diseases in the scriptures of ancient times. The word 'disease' is in general pronounced dis-ease (and not disease/sickness/illness) by most non-allopathic medical practitioners, as they consider not only the symptoms, but also the root cause for the dis-ease.
The Tripura Rahasya states: ‘Diseases are due to a loss of harmony in the three tempers of the body: Vayu (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kaph (phlegm). Dis-eases remain latent in all bodies because of disharmony in the tempers. This disharmony can’t always be prevented, although by being aware of how one’s body functions, one could adjust one’s behavior and food intake accordingly. In modern terminology this is called ‘lifestyle modifications’. Tempers are affected by food consumed, clothes worn, negative thoughts, words uttered or heard, sights seen, objects contacted, changes of season and travel to different countries and their various climates. Sometimes unavoidable, the dis-harmony of tempers need not claim one’s constant attention. The Ancient Rishis of India developed several healing remedies like Ayurved as well as physical praactices like Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure etc. to relieve the discomfort associated with disharmony of the tempers. After the industrial revolution in the West, such remedies were rather neglected. They're however again coming into vogue to help with non-surgical cases.
Delusion and/or hallucination have origins in the neurochemistry of the brain, which may be of varied character. Any food, gross, subtle or subtler, can restore harmony and thus health when well digested. Otherwise the same food may result in discomfort. All of the above three tempers/humors are divided into five sub- divisions. The tempers/humors take care of the autogenerated functions of the body if absorbed in proper quantity and quality, in proper time and in a proper way. In case one temper gives trouble, the other two can makes up for it and make well the third. If there are malfunctions of two of the humors causing severe dis-eases, it is quite difficult to restore their harmonious function. If all three tempers are out of harmony, one's survival rate is questionable.
One ought to co-relate ‘dis-eases’ with disharmony. A body is an organism, which is functionally synchronized to behave normally and at ease. When the gross, subtle, causal or subtlemost effect eventually manifest, the constituents of the body malfunction and we call it a disease. However it is quite often in fact, a dis-ease of the humors. Harmony is the key word in life to prevent illnesses, mood disturbances and thus behavior. Sadguru Sri Sri Babathakur has graciously given his followers and devotees an easy-to-remember formula - the formula of ‘4-fold H’. The first H is hand, the second H is head, the third H is heart, and the fourth (all the other three synchronized) is Harmony.
Sri Sri Babathakur says, ‘The Knowledge of Oneness’ reveals when the right understanding is present. By ‘right understanding’ - and use is meant use with spontaneous awareness of Oneness. Right Knowledge or understanding reveals spontaneously only when the right use of six aspects of life have been achieved. The aspects are:
Right use of Life Energy
Right use of Education
Right use of Time
Right use of Money
Right use of Environment
Right use of the above five together
There is a need in both inner and outer nature to communicate (for example the static part of the nature, i.e. Purushottama, wants to commune with the becoming part of the nature). Similarly the human nature wants to commune with its inherent Divine Nature, and that can only happen when the mind and body are steady and serene. Only inward and outward steadiness and serenity will result in harmonization of man with the Universe and Nature. Dis-ease will then not be a problem as huge as it has become in today's world, where disharmony has grown to unmanagable proportions.
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