Sri Sandip Dasgupta
In the previous issue, I had written about how I feel that Sri Sri Babathakur was
indeed Lord Krishna, especially as I listen intently to the discourses on Bhagavat
Gita given by Br. Prabodh Chaitanya of Chinmaya Mission, San Jose. Hence,
Janamashtami being the birthday of Sri Krishna is a very very special occasion for
all of us – and even more special is the fact that He gave us the chance of coming
in contact with Him and receive the Light of Knowledge from Him. What a pity
that we couldn’t absorb that light – but we can at least reflect on what His words.
So, on this auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janamshtami, let me
attempt to translate another one of Sri Sri Babathakur’s revealed bhajans. The
bhajan is called “Krishna Bhaja Mana…” and is in rendered in Bengali.
Get intoxicated in the Love of Lord Krishna and chant His name,
Love everybody dearly and serve them as if you are serving Lord Krishna
With joy in your mind, repeatedly chant (Japa) Lord Krishna’s name,
Give up your ego (the individual I-Reality) and chant His name
Think of Lord Krishna as your very own and reflect on Him,
Surrender your individual I-Reality to Him.
Consider everybody around you to be Lord Krishna
You will then be able to see Lord Krishna everywhere – inside and outside
How beautiful! And this can again be summarized by His famous words:
“All Divine For All Time As It Is” – the essence of the Science of
Oneness – the Supreme Wisdom revealed to and unfolded by Sri Sri Babathakur
By His divine grace, I was able to attend an evening of bhajans revealed
to our Master, that was held at Toronto on Jun 25, 2010. As soon as I entered
the hall, I was greeted by a bigger than lifesize portrait of the Master. Sri Kedar
Bodas and Ms. Shaoni Mitra rendered these bhajans in a deeply devotional
manner. These bhajans portrayed the theme of I-Reality. Ms. Arupa Lahiry also
performed a couple of superb Bharat Natyam numbers, accompanied by the
bhajans. They were very well supported by Debasish Ghosh on the harmonium
and Pritimoy Goswami on the tabla. Sri Sri Babathakur had personally selected
the bhajans that were presented at this program. He had also personally taught
Ms. Lahiri the mudras to be presented at the dances! Mr. Prosenjit Lahiry
presented the “Song of I-Reality” in a very captivating manner.
The program was a huge success – thanks to the untiring efforts of Mr.
Partha Guha. The quality of the program and the grand success of the program
was possible only through the Divine grace of our Master. His presence could be
felt at every aspect – Mr. Guha’s energy and persistence, the quality of prosad
(particularly the hot samosas), excellent rendering of the bhajans by the artists etc.
Our Master was also instrumental in ensuring deep support from the members of
the trustee board of Saccidananda Society, Kolkata.
Attendees received a beautiful folder containing a picture of Sri Sri
Babathakur and a CD titled “Voice Divine”. This CD contains selected quotes
of Sri Sri Babathakur (which have been published in the booklet “Voice
Divine”), eloquently presented by Mr. Roshan Seth. Copies of this CD maybe
obtained from Mr. Partha Guha (1-416-432-1194). The whole event has been
professionally videotaped and a DVD is expected to be available for distribution
by Dec 2010.
The programs in Canada were preceded by three Satsang sessions held in
California. Although we had budgeted for about 1.5 hours for each of the sessions
– each session ran for at least 3 hours as the audience listened attentively to Mr.
Prosenjit Lahiri speaking spontaneously about our Master Sri Sri Babathakur.
He also read aloud from Sri Sri Babathakur’s book “Science of Oneness” –
there were instant requests for some copies of these books. Unfortunately these
books are now out of print, but we were able to procure five copies to meet the
immediate demands of the audience. So, successful were these sessions that
there were repeated requests to hold these sessions on a regular basis. A second
year student of University of California, Berkeley (who was hearing about Sri
Sri Babathakur for the first time, because his mother had dragged him along),
offered to hold a session with the youth the next time Mr. Lahiri would come
to California. Again the success of these sessions could only be possible by His
grace and we could constantly feel His presence the entire time of these events.
Sri Sandip Dasgupta
In the previous issue, I had written about how I feel that Sri Sri Babathakur was
indeed Lord Krishna, especially as I listen intently to the discourses on Bhagavat
Gita given by Br. Prabodh Chaitanya of Chinmaya Mission, San Jose. Hence,
Janamashtami being the birthday of Sri Krishna is a very very special occasion for
all of us – and even more special is the fact that He gave us the chance of coming
in contact with Him and receive the Light of Knowledge from Him. What a pity
that we couldn’t absorb that light – but we can at least reflect on what His words.
So, on this auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janamshtami, let me
attempt to translate another one of Sri Sri Babathakur’s revealed bhajans. The
bhajan is called “Krishna Bhaja Mana…” and is in rendered in Bengali.
Get intoxicated in the Love of Lord Krishna and chant His name,
Love everybody dearly and serve them as if you are serving Lord Krishna
With joy in your mind, repeatedly chant (Japa) Lord Krishna’s name,
Give up your ego (the individual I-Reality) and chant His name
Think of Lord Krishna as your very own and reflect on Him,
Surrender your individual I-Reality to Him.
Consider everybody around you to be Lord Krishna
You will then be able to see Lord Krishna everywhere – inside and outside
How beautiful! And this can again be summarized by His famous words:
“All Divine For All Time As It Is” – the essence of the Science of
Oneness – the Supreme Wisdom revealed to and unfolded by Sri Sri Babathakur
By His divine grace, I was able to attend an evening of bhajans revealed
to our Master, that was held at Toronto on Jun 25, 2010. As soon as I entered
the hall, I was greeted by a bigger than lifesize portrait of the Master. Sri Kedar
Bodas and Ms. Shaoni Mitra rendered these bhajans in a deeply devotional
manner. These bhajans portrayed the theme of I-Reality. Ms. Arupa Lahiry also
performed a couple of superb Bharat Natyam numbers, accompanied by the
bhajans. They were very well supported by Debasish Ghosh on the harmonium
and Pritimoy Goswami on the tabla. Sri Sri Babathakur had personally selected
the bhajans that were presented at this program. He had also personally taught
Ms. Lahiri the mudras to be presented at the dances! Mr. Prosenjit Lahiry
presented the “Song of I-Reality” in a very captivating manner.
The program was a huge success – thanks to the untiring efforts of Mr.
Partha Guha. The quality of the program and the grand success of the program
was possible only through the Divine grace of our Master. His presence could be
felt at every aspect – Mr. Guha’s energy and persistence, the quality of prosad
(particularly the hot samosas), excellent rendering of the bhajans by the artists etc.
Our Master was also instrumental in ensuring deep support from the members of
the trustee board of Saccidananda Society, Kolkata.
Attendees received a beautiful folder containing a picture of Sri Sri
Babathakur and a CD titled “Voice Divine”. This CD contains selected quotes
of Sri Sri Babathakur (which have been published in the booklet “Voice
Divine”), eloquently presented by Mr. Roshan Seth. Copies of this CD maybe
obtained from Mr. Partha Guha (1-416-432-1194). The whole event has been
professionally videotaped and a DVD is expected to be available for distribution
by Dec 2010.
The programs in Canada were preceded by three Satsang sessions held in
California. Although we had budgeted for about 1.5 hours for each of the sessions
– each session ran for at least 3 hours as the audience listened attentively to Mr.
Prosenjit Lahiri speaking spontaneously about our Master Sri Sri Babathakur.
He also read aloud from Sri Sri Babathakur’s book “Science of Oneness” –
there were instant requests for some copies of these books. Unfortunately these
books are now out of print, but we were able to procure five copies to meet the
immediate demands of the audience. So, successful were these sessions that
there were repeated requests to hold these sessions on a regular basis. A second
year student of University of California, Berkeley (who was hearing about Sri
Sri Babathakur for the first time, because his mother had dragged him along),
offered to hold a session with the youth the next time Mr. Lahiri would come
to California. Again the success of these sessions could only be possible by His
grace and we could constantly feel His presence the entire time of these events.
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