Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Karma and Sadhan Tattva

The following is a transliteration of one of Sri Sri Babathakur’s songs (Song No. 24 appearing within the Karma and Sadhan Tattva section of Swanubhava Sudha Vol. 2) by Sri Ramen Basu.

Pain suffering and misery
Comes to awaken Self awareness
Without suffering Knowledge dawns not
Indivisible Knowledge is the Absolute Self I-Reality Itself
His Love has no equal
Oh mind, never do you forget to accept That.
How will you follow oh mind -
Always accept everything on even awareness.
Only through the Name of Divine Mother She descends
Then you accept Her presence
Judge ye not, nor ye want to know
If otherwise,
The love of Divine Mother will be then yet to receive.
Sadguru always requests us to keep in mind
That the Divine Mother brings forth all here on this earth
To make us feel the glory of Her love.
She Herself is the Whole, the Infinite Absolute Self I-Reality.
Suffering is only in names and forms, ideas and consciousness
Mother Shyama Herself is the inspissated Wisdom Absolute
Immortal is She; Compassion incarnate
Sadhana of the Infinite Absolute Self I-Reality is to accept all in one’s Own Consciousness.


Note from Sri Ramen Basu:  

This song, transliterated by Ramen Basu and edited by Susmita Devi, is offered at the Lotus feet of Sri Sri Babathakur. In gratitude I remember Susmita, who I think was the best person to edit this poem - for her life is an example of this song.  Even in her death bed, she did not forget the teachings of Sri Sri Babathakur, Who inculcated in her, the teachings of I-principle through ‘Nectar of Wisdom’, which she herself compiled in diary-form.  She bore the cross of her past karma valiantly in order to expiate the results in this life, and learn from them.  I saw the miracle happen in her deathbed when she offered through prayer, her whole life and experiences  to I in I within, for she remembered always  ‘I am That’ as  inculcated by Sri Sri Babathakur in all circumstances.  She found Peace after that prayer and left her mortal coil two days thereafter, without any pain peacefully, totally absorbed within herself.

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