Saturday, August 24, 2019


by Sri Sandip Dasgupta

Welcome to the Janamashtami edition of our e-magazine! In this editorial, I will write about a couple of things that our Master mentioned to his devotees on Mar 11, 1988 at New Delhi.

Sri Sri Babathakur cautioned devotees that the path of Dharma that we follow is incorrect. We spend most of our time on day-to-day activities, in our Samsar -- and then offer a flower at the end of the day to the Lord.  This will not lead us to the Lord that we are seeking. This is kind of a luxury.

According to him, the path of Dharma requires our mind to be completely focused on the Lord – in everything we do, in everything we say, in everything we think, in everything we experience and so on.

To help us remember this teaching, he pointed out that when we invert the letters in the word “Dhara”, it becomes “Radha”.  Dhara represents our mind which is constantly running towards manyness – away from Oneness.  If we can collect all our thoughts and invert the Dhara, then we become like Radha – 100% focused on Lord Krishna.  That allowed Radha to attain Sri Krishna. That is the right path of Dharma.

He further went on to point out that if we have to make progress on the path of Dharma, we have to give up our sense of ego, our sense of individuality, our myness. To remind ourselves, he asked us to use a litmus test everyday and ask the question if my sense of myness has decreased.  If the answer is yes, then we are making progress. If the answer is No, we need to try harder.

So, on this auspicious day of Janamashtami – can we all make an attempt to follow the path of Dharma as explained by our Master?  And don’t forget to use the litmus test daily – to make sure we are making progress.

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