by Sri Sandip Dasgupta
Welcome to the Janmashtami issue of our e-zine. In this issue, I will present a selected portion of a speech delivered by our Master, wherein He has stressed the importance of regular and repeated Satsang.
The Master has likened a new dress to our Samsar. To take care of our dress, we must regularly laundry it and iron it; otherwise, it gets dirty through the accumulation of dust and impurities that it’s exposed to. He has likened the Samsar to a house of impurities. If one lives in this Samsar, he will be exposed to these impurities. The impurities are Ahamkara and Abhimaan. These impurities constantly rise in our minds and degrade our progress toward spiritual perfection.
The Master points out that He regularly practices reminding Himself of His real identity (Brahman/Atman) so that there is no scope for Ahamkar and Abhiman to rise in His mind. On many occasions, He has urged us to spend some time “relaxing” every day and reminding ourselves of our Reality.
He further goes on to state that we should be consistently remembering the Lord (and take His name) even in the most difficult of situations in life. Life’s difficulties are simply vehicles for us to learn about our own Reality (according to Him, bedona/pain has been the real vedas that have allowed Him to realize the I-Reality). He points out that the common man often sadly curses his luck when encountering a situation in life which he doesn’t like. This cursing further causes his own degradation. These actions and thoughts come back to haunt him in future lives. We therefore shape our future lives by our current thoughts and actions. This is called destiny or fate.
So, can we all resolve to follow our Master’s words and try to remember the I-Reality in the most difficult of situations? To not encourage the I/mine thoughts that come to our mind everyday, so that we can progress on the practical path that the Master has shown us?
Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!
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